Imagine a world where changing your life is not about brute force willpower but about understanding and harnessing the patterns that drive your every thought, feeling, and action. With this powerful skill of Identity Shifting, transformation happens and possibilities become effortlessly limitless.

Our mission—to evolve consciousness for fulfillment and success by shifting from ‘what to think’ to ‘how to think’—is more than a statement, it's a commitment to deep, lasting change. This journey is about simplifying the complex process of rewiring the subconscious for a fundamental identity shift, leveraging the lessons from personal experience, to illuminate the path for others. It's about transforming not just individuals but the very essence of how you perceive and interact with our world.

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The Universal Solution to Self Mastery 

At the core of every individual lies a narrative, a collection of stories and experiences that define who we are. But what if you could step outside that narrative, viewing it not as an immutable truth but fluid, like a sculpture you're constantly shaping?

This breakthrough coaching offers a revolutionary approach to self-transformation, enabling individuals to escape the confines of their constructed selves. It's about transcending the identity you’ve come to accept, objectifying it in a way that puts the power of change firmly in your hands. This breakthrough approach to personal transformation has already helped thousands overcome huge barriers and finally get free from their limits.

Learn More About Our Coaching Philosophy

Shift Your "Set Point" to Experience Profound Results...


If you’re feeling trapped by invisible barriers, and sensing there’s something fundamentally wrong, you’re probably right. It’s possible, your "set point" is not optimized. Causing you to cycle through the same problems, creating the patterns of limiting behaviors you struggle with every day.

Set points" are not mere memories, they are the architects of our psychological structure, the blueprint of our emotional responses, and behaviors. They define the rules of what we believe is possible for ourselves, often creating limiting patterns that hold us back.

Whether it’s a belief about our physical appearance, intellectual capabilities, or emotional resilience, these set points become our reality, shaping our life’s trajectory within invisible yet confining boundaries and create our zones of familiarity. However, just as a single moment can impose a limit, a moment of clarity, insight, or profound realization can lift it.

This is the heart of our transformative work.

We’ve seen it happen — a shift in perspective, a new framing of an old narrative, and suddenly, what once seemed impossible is now occurring. This is the promise of instant transformation.

Imagine a world where changing your life is not about brute force willpower, but about understanding and harnessing the patterns that drive your every thought, feeling, and action.

Hear About This From Past Clients


Ever feel like there's a better "version of you" just waiting to finally show up?

Most people have no idea how amazing their optimal self can actually be. You're about to discover how to shift into the most incredible version of yourself, right now, and do it permanently, without using tons of willpower.

The architecture of our psychological self, while appearing complex and fixed, is actually malleable. With the right insight, intention, and guidance, we can redefine our set points moving from limitation to liberation in moments that are as impactful as those that first defined us.

Our coaching approach, rooted in the understanding of these set points and the universal structure of psychological change, offers a method that goes beyond traditional therapy and other forms of coaching and personal development.

Our goal is to not only recognize and dismantle the limiting beliefs that have felt permanent and unchangeable, but to also replace them with empowering truths that redefine our sense of possibility.

Get Your Free Training here

Uncover the essence of transformation with our free training. Dive into the methodologies that enable profound personal evolution and get a taste of the breakthroughs awaiting you.

Explore Our Coaching Services

Navigate through our succinct overviews to find the journey that resonates with you. Our 12-Week Intensive is a deep dive into personal metamorphosis, while the Ongoing Mastermind is your path to sustained growth. Discover our philosophy and approach, and learn how we facilitate your shift to a stronger, more resilient identity. Curiosity piqued? Delve deeper into each program to find your fit.

Learn About Identity Shifting Here

How We're Different...

We change you at the level of your identity.

  • It's a consciousness evolution where you're not just discovering new concepts, but you're becoming them.
  • It's the embodiment of change, not just how to change.
  • Changes at the root level of your identity, not just addressing the symptoms.

We create holistic transformation.

  • It's not knowing what to think, it's learning how to think.
  • You can use your autopilot mind to create superpowers, not limits.
  • We utilize thought as a tool instead of a barrier to your success.
  • This change creates both the art of fulfillment and the science of success.

We work on changing the subconscious.

  • Discover the "10 Minute Repatterning Method" to change your subconscious.
  • Understand how  working with subconscious patterns can unlock new levels of success.
  • Uncover the invisible issues, often outside your awareness.

We offer counterintuitive solutions.

  • Explore how focusing on shifting the internal aspects can be the way to get external results.
  • Create long last change that happens in a short amount of time.
  • Leaving "knowing" can actually create more wisdom and freedom.

"I help people change..."


Hi, I'm Rob. As the creator of Identity Shifting, my journey is rooted in a profound understanding of the intricate web of meaning and beliefs that shape our lives. 

Having navigated through life's formidable challenges - abuse, addiction, homelessness, and a battle with cancer, my transformation wasn't just about surviving, it was about understanding the core mechanisms that dictate our identity and how to fundamentally alter them.

My expertise lies in identifying and transforming core limits. 

The deeply ingrained narratives that dictate how we perceive ourselves and interact with the world. Through my own experiences, I've developed a keen insight into pinpointing these critical limits and, more importantly, creating a simple process to repattern them effectively.

We often recognize the need for change but grapple with the 'how.' It's not just about altering a particular behavior or thought, it's about recognizing the higher leverage change - a shift in the subconscious. 

This is where my coaching transcends the ordinary. It's not just about identifying a problem, it's about learning the unique system to unravel the intricate network of beliefs that support it - so it can be transformed.

Justin Burns

“Before I joined the program I was enrolling around five clients a month if I got lucky. After my breakthrough, my team lined up 10 appointments and I literally closed seven out of the ten... IN ONE WEEK. We are on track to do over over $20,000 in sales just at the 10th of the month and we have 20 more days left."

Amber Hollis

“It’s changed everything to me! My experience in general... I don’t think there are words in the english language to describe what’s it’s been like. So I have to use the words, profound or transformational... Because really, that’s how it’s been for me.”

Dave Heffernan

“I loved the entire program from start to finish. I have already started reaping benefits I never imagined. I have two potential opportunities that could open up huge advances for my career and could level up 2x to 3x. I've lost 20 lbs since starting ISM and am back exercising - something I haven't been able to do for 4 years!“

More Testimonials

Redefine Your Reality. Shift Your Identity.

Experience a Profoundly Better Life.

Take action and reach out for a free breakthrough session that has the power to alter your trajectory. Let's talk about the future you're going to create and the fastest path to getting free of your stuck limits.

Schedule Your Breakthrough Session Now